Sattva Films

Sattva Films was founded in 2005, privileges international coproduction according to European quality standards, is interested in promoting copyright projects: animated films, creation documentaries, feature films for the hall. If necessary, it is also a distributor of its productions.

Mani Rosse / Red Hands
28 min., 4K, stop motion and 2D animation film, color, 2016. Aldebaran Distribution (young / adult).
The project has been selected for the MEDIA Development 2014 funding.

Il seme del declino / The seed of decline
105 min., Digital and 2D animation, color, 2017, creative documentary. Distribution Sattva Films (adults). The project was selected for MEDIA Development 2013 funding.
The project was selected for MIBACT funding for the development of feature-length projects of cultural interest taken from original screenplays 2013.

L’insperato sentiero degli angeli / The unhoped-for path of angels
80 min., Digital, color, 2016, creative documentary and transmedial project. Distribution Sattva Films (adults).
The project has been selected for MEDIA Development 2008 funding.


production and school srl
Viale Alfredo Oriani, 54
40137 – Bologna – Italy
phone: +39 380 5203065
referent: Michele Fasano
