The third edition of the PREMIO LAGANA’ is announced “a prize for authors and Italian works that combine artistic originality and market potential”.

The award is reserved for short films, trailers, and animation pilot made by young entertainers under the age of thirty.

Videoboards or non-sound movies will not be considered.

Registration for the competition is free, authors will upload their videos on an internet platform of their choice (dropbox, copy, etc.) or send them through a data exchange service (wetransfer, filemail, etc.).

In both cases, the address from which to download the work must be sent to the email and by March 30, 2018.

The films must be in HD 1920X1080 format.

The winner will be awarded in the context of Cartoons on the Bay, the international festival of cross-media animation and children’s TV, which will take place in Turin between 12 and 14 April.

Participation in the prize implies acceptance of the following general rules:

The winner will be determined by a qualified jury appointed by the organization itself.

By registering for the competition, each individual author explicitly authorizes the screening of the works presented, for cultural / promotional purposes and for the press.

The competitors are in any case responsible for the protection of the authorship of the works presented. In the event of a dispute, the Laganà Prize and all the promoters, sponsors and partners involved in the Competition can not in any way be called into question.

The data of the participants are used exclusively for the proper organizational management of the competition and to ensure its regularity. The Organizing Authority guarantees that such data will not be used for other purposes and will not be transferred to third parties under any circumstances.